White Paper V4.0 for AB : Payment solution

  • Payment created the Liquidity

    Dear users:

    some said he sold 25AB cost him 3 hours. so sad! AB a little useful, people using it play games and pay the exchange fee.

    So it is a little useful but it is no enough Liquidity, the Game APPs need promotion, the exchanger seems not perfect... Many reasons make it not enough liquidity.

    In the blockchain industry, their coins useless so mostly from Fake Liquidity. But Argot Me willing to created really liquidity.

    You can sell 25AB in 3 hours because someone really needs, they need pay for exchange fee or using it in a Game. We know it is really but not enough.

    So in V4.0, the mission is Payment:

    Only the payment could create really Liquidity. Imagine that at the same time, more than 100 persons using the coins. some pay Taxi, someone pay coffee, someone pay bills. Your 1000AB coins could sell in one minute.

    The payment solution is hi-tech, 100 transactions in one second are easy. but 1,000,000 transactions in one second needs professional tech.

    Payment solution is focused on the industries:

    1. VPN&VPS, Cloud Computing...

    2. Coffee Bar & Restaurants

    3. Hostel

    4. Money exchange

    5. Game

    6. ride-hailing service

    7. E-commerce